
If you have an acute or chronic problem, we will use extremely fine needles or manual manipulation to restore the body's natural flow of energy. This painless process will allow the body to restore and heal itself. In the same way that antibiotics or steroids might require multiple applications for maximum effect, acupuncture generally requires more than one treatment. For more information... Read More

If you have an acute or chronic problem, we will use extremely fine needles or manual manipulation to restore the body's natural flow of energy. This painless process will allow the body to restore and heal itself. In the same way that antibiotics or steroids might require multiple applications for maximum effect, acupuncture generally requires more than one treatment.

For more information about acupuncture, visit our "What is Acupuncture?" page.

Massage Therapy

Our therapists offer deep tissue massage for those with acute and chronic injuries, or for individuals who just need to reduce muscle tension and improve relaxation. Massage is used to improve the circulation of blood and the lymphatic system, in order to speed the healing of damaged tissue. During a massage, toxins are often released which also aids in recovery.

Personal Stretch Recovery

Our certified Personal Trainer offers one on one assisted stretching sessions. Using the Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) technique, our professional stretcher will hold, contract, and relax individual muscles. These sessions will be targeted to your specific medical issues and tailored to meet your pain, posture, or flexibility issues. The goal is to increase your range of mo... Read More

Our certified Personal Trainer offers one on one assisted stretching sessions. Using the Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) technique, our professional stretcher will hold, contract, and relax individual muscles. These sessions will be targeted to your specific medical issues and tailored to meet your pain, posture, or flexibility issues. The goal is to increase your range of motion and flexibility, while relaxing stiff muscles and joints. A regular stretching program can rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, improve blood circulation and posture, and according to some studies reduce mild cognitive decline.

Kelly is a licensed acupuncturist with a four-year graduate Diploma of Acupuncture from the Jung Tao School of Classical Chines Medicine in Boone, North Carolina. She is a Diplomat of Acupuncture certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Kelly is also a licensed massage and body work therapist. She received her massage training at the Atlanta School of Massage in Atlanta, Georgia. Kelly has a bachelor’s degree in History from SUNY Brockport.

Kelly is a licensed acupuncturist with a four-year graduate Diploma of Acupuncture from the Jung ... Read More

Cody Motivans, CPT, is a Personal Trainer specializing in Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching. He is a certified Exercise Specialist, Behavior Change Specialist, and Performance Enhancement Specialist. Cody has a bachelor’s degree in New Media Studies from Eastern Connecticut State University. He previously worked as a Physical Therapy Aide and Fitness Instructor at two PT Clinics in Brooklyn, New York.

During his personal time, Cody enjoys spending time at the gym and hiking. He and his wife also enjoy traveling and trying new restaurants.

Cody Motivans, CPT, is a Personal Trainer specializing in Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitati... Read More

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